Reach & Impact

CLT’s e-patashale program has transformed
- 4,937 schools
- 14,400+ classrooms
- 82,000+ teachers benefited
- 2.8 million students impacted
- Across 11 states of India
Measuring the Learning Benefits of Electronic Teaching Aids in Low-Resource Classrooms
Microsoft Research India
“In this exploratory study, usage of electronic content over a period of 3 weeks was found to significantly improve students’ learning of English in a low-income government school in peri-urban India.”
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Christ University
“83.7% of the schools reported that enrollment in schools has increased due to this project.”
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CLT was chosen as a Dasra Fellow for their Research Publication (in partnership with USAID) as one of 7 Change Makers that is making a ‘Difference’ in the way girls are impacted in secondary schools.
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